Our association depends on volunteers, which assists in keeping our sport one of the best value activities to participate in.
Our association Executive comprises of five executive office bearers and up to six executive members who meet on the third Monday of each month to help run our association. Meetings are at 6pm, last for about 1 hour and are very relaxed. The AJSA is always looking for one or two more executive members. The positions of executive member is voted annually at our AGM.
The AJSA is also mindful of overloading our already very committed delegates and volunteers. We encourage clubs to ask parents or community members to join the executive. They don’t have to be a current delegates or have any current evolvement in soccer.
If you feel you would like to join our executive please email secretary@ajsa.com.au
The AJSA is also looking to fill the vacant Treasurers position. This position has been drastically reduced in recent season as we now employ the services of a book keeper to keep all our finances in order. The role is required to be filled to fulfil our constitution. The treasurer is to attend the AJSA meeting each month and present the financials to the executive and the delegates at the AGM (which get sent out by our book-keeper anyway), and to make quorum for voting.
Again the AJSA encourages nominations from people that aren’t already delegates (unless of course a delegate wants to)
If you would like to nominate please email secretary@ajsa.com.au